Get your documents in order for travel with pet!

Get your documents in order for travel with pet!
27th September 2021 Mobile Homes Abroad

If you have enjoyed staying in holiday homes, lodges or static caravans, it is quite likely your pet may do so too. In fact, it may be a much more relaxing holiday in a static caravan if your beloved pets can share it with you. This isn’t a problem of course when holiday homes or lodges are within national borders, however, it is a slightly different story if holidaying or relocating abroad.

If travelling with pets, such as cats, dogs or ferrets, then there are rules to follow. Some of these apply to travelling to lodges or holiday homes within the EU, so there may be extra or evolving rules to follow as a consequence of Brexit. However, the basic rules for relocating abroad with pets are quite straightforward.

Travelling with your pet within the EU

In general, EU regulations cover travelling with pets within the countries of the EU, which makes it easy to take your beloved dog or cat with you when staying in static caravans or holiday homes in another country. These rules also in general cover travelling to an EU from a non-EU country, which is the category the UK now falls into.


To travel to an EU country with your pet the animal needs to be microchipped, according to Annex II of the EU Regulation governing the movement of pets. If you have a more mature pet whose registry predates this rule, then the animal may have a tattoo that was applied before July 2011.


To take your pet to stay in static caravans or holiday homes in an EU country, your pet must also have been vaccinated against the deadly disease of rabies. Your pet should also have had treatment to protect against infestation or carrying the tapeworm Echinococcus multilocularis. Some countries, such as Ireland, Finland, Norway or Malta have been declared free of this pest and so are very careful about allowing in animals that may be infested with this parasite.

Pet Passports

As you need a passport to visit static caravans or lodges in another country, your pet will too. You must ensure that any pet travelling with you has a passport for pets that is valid. If travelling from a non-EU country to an EU country, a health certificate for your pets may be required instead of, or as well. It is essential that if you want to travel with your pets that their travel documents are in order. Your pet’s passport is an official document that will contain details of its microchipping or tattoo, in addition to a record of inoculation against rabies, your details as the owner, and details of the vet who issued this passport. A health certificate also contains details about the pet and this is based on the model of the EU pet passport. Pets travelling from the UK to EU countries will most likely require a health certificate as pet passports ceased to be valid from January 2021.

Check the specifics for your destination just before you travel.

It is always a good idea to check the destination you are going to, as rules governing travel for people and pets are liable to change.

If you need help with relocating abroad or finding a relaxing holiday in a static caravan then our experts are always on hand for help and advice.  Follow us on Facebook for the latest updates!

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